How long have you been competing or partaking in your sport?

My first Multisport race was in 2013. In 2012, shortly after moving to New Zealand, I was introduced to trail running and immediately loved it, from there I started to explore mountain biking and kayaking and developed (just) enough skills to compete in my first Multisport race in 2013!

Where do you call home?

The Emerald Isle…specifically Kilkenny, Ireland.

Favourite event or place to practice your sport?

It’s hard to beat the South Island’s Southern Alps, a good weather day while running over Goats Pass or kayaking down the Waimakariri River is always a special day out!

What is your focus within your sport (what sub-discipline of your sport do you do most)? Why do you like that aspect the most?

My target events are Multisport races so in my training it is important to keep an even balance between each discipline of running, cycling or mountain biking and kayaking. While I love the variety of multisport if I had to choose one discipline it would be trail running. Exploring technical trails and remote areas by the power and simplicity of your own two feet is hard to beat!

What is the strangest thing that has happened to you while doing your sport?

Where to start! There have been a lot of epic mishaps that’s for sure! Running through Goats Pass in the Coast to Coast Longest Day in 2017 and somehow running straight into a solid tree branch splitting my eyebrow open was certainly an interesting one. Completing the race with a black and bloody face and needing stitches at the finish line wasn’t quite in the pre-race plan!

Do you have a local claim to fame (fittest, fastest, funniest, smelliest, etc.)?

Among the small number of runners in my family (group of 4!) I hold the 5km Park Run PB that I comes with some fun bragging rights & hope to hold this for a few years to come still!

Do you promote an annual event or are you involved in a charitable cause?

The Shotover Moonlight Mountain Marathon is such a special race and location. Unfortunately the timing of the event means I have yet to participate in the full Marathon course. Instead of racing I have helped out as a volunteer and love getting to be out on the course and involved in the event in a different way!